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Candy A to Z: Unicorn Lollipops

Posted on May 30, 2018

Since all of us here are kids at heart, we're wild about everything mythical and magical.
And one of our favorite subjects for magical imaginings is the unicorn. Not everyone has the good fortune to bump into a unicorn on their way home from school, but anybody can enjoy some enchanted moments by unwrapping a Unicorn Pop

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Candy A to Z: Toxic Waste

Posted on May 16, 2018

You've got to respect the bravado of a candy company that publicizes how unpleasant their product is to eat. It just doesn't make sense. Yet, surprisingly, the manufacturer of Toxic Waste Hazardously Sour Candy, has tapped into a curious and twisted portion of the candy lover's psyche with a whole line of hazardously sour products that they're practically daring you to eat!

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Candy A to Z: Slo Poke

Posted on May 03, 2018

By now it should be obvious that we're big fans of the classic candies of yesteryear. We get a kick out of helping people find favorite treats that aren't available on every supermarket candy rack. We love giving older folks the opportunity to revisit childhood favorites, and letting kids know that the candy their grandparents enjoyed is as yummy as anything on the market today. Slo Poke is a great example of this type of nostalgic candy. 

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Moms, Dads & Grads... an All City Candy News Flash

Posted on May 02, 2018

Hello, candy lovers, and welcome to your latest All City Candy update! We've finally shaken off the last of winter's chill and we are kicking into high gear for one of our busiest and most exciting times of the year. Late spring and early summer have so many special events that we can barely contain ourselves. It's always a party at All City Candy!

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April Showers Bring Candy Flowers!

Posted on May 01, 2018

In the Sweet Tooth household, spring signals the beginning of one of our favorite and most rewarding pastimes: gardening! Unfortunately, nobody has figured out how to 
grow candy just yet (fresh peaches come pretty close, though!) but we can still compete with your local garden center in a few areas. Take a look:

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Candy A to Z: Raisinets

Posted on April 19, 2018

Raisins are basically the perfect snack food. No special storage needs, no prep time, just grab 'em and go! And it shouldn't surprise you that our favorite way to enjoy these little wonders is in the form of Raisinets. There's nothing too fancy about them, just a tasty little California raisin with a delightful coating of Nestle chocolate.

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Candy A to Z: Quick Blast Sour Candy Spray

Posted on April 05, 2018

Not only does 
Quick Blast Sour Candy Spray have the distinction of being our store's only "Q" candy, it's also one of the unique and unusual liquid candies we stock.

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