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Candy A to Z: Juicy Drop Gummies

Posted on December 28, 2017 1 Comment

You've gotta love a company that encourages you to play with your food, and that's exactly what Bazooka Candy Brands does with their Juicy Drop products!

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Candy A to Z: Gummy Pickle

Posted on November 16, 2017

It's no secret that we have a *soft* spot in our hearts for all things gummy, so it shouldn't be a surprise that our Candy A to Z feature for the letter "G" is a gummy product. What is surprising is that the item we've chosen isn't a bear, a worm, or even a butterfly. No, today our spotlight falls on this...

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Fall Candy Round-up!

Posted on October 24, 2017

Hi there, friends! Can you believe how quickly this summer flew by? It seems like just yesterday we were talking about picnics and road trips. Now the kids have been back to school for several weeks and we're digging out the sweaters and hoodies. But you know what? That's A-OK with me, 'cause there is plenty of fall fun to be had right here at All City Candy! Let me give you some details:

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Candy A to Z: Everlasting Gobstopper

Posted on October 19, 2017

It's tough to find a candy that starts with "E," but these classic jawbreakers are the only ones you need! Born inside the mind of author Roald Dahl, Everlasting Gobstoppers first appeared in his book Charlie and the Chocolate Factory. A few years later, a candy company started producing a real-life version of the super-hard sweets, and the rest is history! 

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Hands off 'til Halloween!

Posted on October 06, 2017

If you're like us, you probably picked up bags and bags of Halloween candy the first time you saw it on store shelves way back in August. Nothing wrong with that; you've got to be prepared! The trouble comes, however, when you see that great, big bag of delicious treats just sitting there...waiting. Here are the best ways we could come up with to keep your hands off of the trick-or-treat candy until Halloween.

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Candy A to Z: Dots!

Posted on October 05, 2017

Hooray for DOTS! They're the most colorful candy we've profiled so far, their name describes them perfectly, and they have that classic gumdrop shape. Could you ask for anything more? 

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Candy A to Z: Coconut Long Boys

Posted on September 21, 2017 1 Comment

First, a confession: The wrapper of the candy sampled for this article actually reads "Long Boys Coconut," so maybe we're jumping the gun a little bit. We do, however, have plenty of photographic evidence that some of the packaging for these candies reads "Coconut Long Boys," so we're filing it under "C!"

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