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Breakfast with Santa and Ugly Sweater Contest among Holiday Activities

Posted on November 29, 2017

All City Candy is celebrating the holiday season with activities for kids of all ages. In addition to collecting candy donations for the young patients at University Hospital's Rainbow Babies & Children's Hospital, the stores will be hosting Breakfast with Santa and an Ugly Holiday Sweater Contest, among other activities.

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Fall Candy Round-up!

Posted on October 24, 2017

Hi there, friends! Can you believe how quickly this summer flew by? It seems like just yesterday we were talking about picnics and road trips. Now the kids have been back to school for several weeks and we're digging out the sweaters and hoodies. But you know what? That's A-OK with me, 'cause there is plenty of fall fun to be had right here at All City Candy! Let me give you some details:

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Hands off 'til Halloween!

Posted on October 06, 2017

If you're like us, you probably picked up bags and bags of Halloween candy the first time you saw it on store shelves way back in August. Nothing wrong with that; you've got to be prepared! The trouble comes, however, when you see that great, big bag of delicious treats just sitting there...waiting. Here are the best ways we could come up with to keep your hands off of the trick-or-treat candy until Halloween.

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When In Doubt, Dip It In Chocolate!

Posted on August 28, 2017

Chocolate Dipped Treats at All City Candy

We're probably not the first to offer the sage advice in the title of this post. We are, however, putting it into practice each and every day here at All City Candy, and we think that's a topic worth exploring.

For those of you who aren't aware, All City Candy isn't just a retailer of other manufacturers' sweets -- we also have our very own confectionery kitchen where we are cranking out some seriously scrumptious creations.

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How to Build a Better Easter Basket!

Posted on April 05, 2017

It's hard to believe, but Easter is less than two weeks away! If you're a parent, a grandparent, or a super cool aunt or uncle, that means you're probably going to be assembling at least one Easter basket in the near future. Here are our pro tips for making an Easter Basket to remember!

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Posted in Holidays, How Tos, Products,

Sweet Scholarship Discovered by Researcher Avril Jester

Posted on April 01, 2017

We have big news to share with you today, fellow candy lovers! It's not often that our field is the subject of "hard news," but a recently published article has some pretty amazing information about the world of candy and a prominent historical figure. Here's a really fascinating article about the discovery and the woman who made it happen

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Jimmy's Candy Roundup

Posted on March 13, 2017

Jimmy Sweet Tooth drops by to give us an update on all things "candy!"

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